产品中心 CRT煤矿用乳化液退锚车系列 MQT气动锚杆钻机系列 MQTB气动支腿式帮锚杆钻机系列 ZQS气动手持式钻机系列 ZQSZ架座支撑气动手持式钻机系列 MQ矿用锚索张拉机具系列 LDZ/LSZ煤矿用锚杆拉力计系列 Y5/Y6手持式凿岩机系列 YT30型气腿式凿岩机 ZQJJ气动架柱式钻机系列 BQG矿用气动隔膜泵系列 其他系列
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Company is located in the Yangtze River delta hinterland, North Central Province,  lakeknown as the "throat of Zhongzhou, the Jiangnan barrier" is called, is an important node in the city group, Economic Circle is driven, in central city radiation Wanbei and portal. Through the logistics of our products throughout the country, many foreign countries and regions. Our company is a research and development and manufacture of high quality, high efficiency, coal mine safety equipment and service in a body specialized machinery manufacturing company. The company has international advanced production equipment, fully equipped development laboratory, outstanding scientific and technical personnel, has a quality management system and quality inspection procedures of science, the principle of quality first, to ensure the stability of product quality. The quality of the products have a good reputation in the industry.

We adhere to the quality of life, market-oriented, with advanced technology means to improve the competitiveness of products, we not only pay attention to product sales, also together with you to improve enterprise productivity and work, even in our products are put into operation, xiecheng still keep in your side. Our team tracking to ensure that our products bring first-class performance you expect when. This is us to become your most valuable partners commitment.

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